Do You Have IT Consulting Services We Can Help With?

Virtual CTO: strategy, planning, budgeting

Organizations that utilize one of our managed services plans can opt to take advantage of our Virtual CTO services. A senior partner works with the executive team to proactively strategize, plan and budget your IT investment, develop required reporting, or define and execute processes or policies associated with HIPAA or PCI regulatory compliance.

Policy and Procedures Documentation

Every organization should protect itself from liability with documented IT policy and procedures.  We believe in the “Goldielocks” approach – not too much, or to little, but the right amount of IT policies and procedures. It can be unnecessarily expensive to develop these from scratch. Instead, we offer an affordable approach that employs industry standard baseline templates, which are tailored to your specific needs. The right policies can also help you avoid uncoordinated responses to issues, improper resource utilization, suboptimal employee productivity, or even lawsuits, fines, and penalties. Written guidelines provide a foundation of standardized preventive measures that reduce risk.  Examples include:

  • Proper password security
  • Properly managing log files
  • Easily accessible network flow diagrams
  • Secure firewall rulesets
  • Handling of security incidents
  • Secure data classifications
  • Limited employee access dangerous websites

Our monthly policy and procedures subscription includes configuration and maintenance of any/all of the following policies and procedures applicable to your organization:

Compliance: IT-related regulatory requirements


Are you a Registered Entity, a Broker-Dealer? Make sure that your written compliance plan includes a technology plan and a comprehensive disaster recovery plan. Our team will make sure that every IT decision you make keeps you on the path for compliance. We can help you: – Audit Existing compliance documents – Audit IT systems for compliance – write new compliance plans – Walk you through audits – help you respond to audits that have already taken place.


Do you understand HIPAA regulations regarding electronic records? Our team will help you navigate the mire of HIPAA regulations and will make sure that your practice has the tools it needs to stay compliant, including staff training and adherence to security policies and procedures.

Did you know that penalties can result in up to $50,000 per violation (or per record), with a maximum penalty of $1.5 million per year, not to mention possible criminal charges? Violations are expensive- but avoidable!

We can help you avoid breaches resulting from inadequately enforced policy and procedure, unencrypted data, data stored on devices incorrectly, decommissioned or stolen devices, or simply employee error.

PCI Compliance

The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) describes the payment security standards designed to ensure sellers safely and securely accept, store, process, and transmit cardholder data (i.e., credit card information).

If your organization takes payments using credit /debit cards, you must protect against data breaches. Requirements range from establishing data security policies for your business and employees to removing card data from your processing system and payment terminals – as well as protecting sensitive authentication data in the magnetic-stripe data.

Many of our customers utilize credit/debit transactions and our team is well versed in helping you ensure your IT practices are in full compliance.

Want To Know More?

We’ll help you plan for technology, keep your IT assets current, proactively maintain computer health, troubleshoot day-to-day issues encountered by your team, and make sure your data stays protected and backed up.